Aldo Shoes
Worst Shipping and Customer Service

Shops, Products, Services

I purchased sneakers within the shop, offered the man my driver's permit for that proper handle, and undoubtedly he joined it improperly. I've named customer support 3 times, submitted a contact. Each time I'm guaranteed they have fixed the error. Nevertheless, nowadays I discover the sneakers I taken care of were shipped and quit about the patio of the incorrect target. I've no emails confirming and sometimes even informing me wherever my sneakers are. Now, I'm out my cash and also have no item. The toughest encounter I've ever endured.

Company: Aldo Shoes
Country: USA
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Aldo Shoes
Worst Shipping and Customer Service
By far the worst customer service I've ever had

Aldo Shoes
This is my first and last experience with Aldo
Customer service and return policy
Won't send order-took money!

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Cracks in Soles

DSW Shoes
Non-returnable products

Cathy Jean Shoes
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Clark Shoes
Shoes Fall Apart
Sent me wrong shoes