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On Jan. 3rd I won an Amazon Kindle from the Wavee Web Page. According to the disclaimer on their web page, the winnings usually arrive to the winners within 3 weeks. It also stated that if one did not receive their merchandise withing the three weeks, they should call Wavee. After 3 weeks my Kindle didn't arrive, so I called them and asked them were it was. They told me that due to the large number of people that joined their site since the Christmas Holiday, they were bogged down and they told me my Kindle wouldn't be shipped until Feb. 16th. Well, Feb 16 has come and gone and I went back to the web page today (Feb. 19) to find out what was going on with the shipping of my Kindle and the new expected ship date is March 14th.

This is absolutely unbelievable. They didn't hesitate to take my money instantaneously but they have not kept up their end of the deal. PLEASE, let all who are interested know that they take people's money, and don't deliver.

Company: Wavee
Country: USA
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Ripped off by Wavee from a charge of 179 without any warning and unshipped ordered goods after more than 2 weeks

Ripped off by Wavee from a charge of 179 without any warning and unshipped ordered goods after more than 2 weeks

Best Buy
Best buy gave wry g I fo. - Kindle keyboard 3G

Deceptive Practices

Consumer Report

Wavee.com Unauthorized attempt to clip $75.00 via credit card

At best has horrible customer service, at worst they are a scam site

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Amazon.com, Kindle Flimsy, ill made Kindle broke in a week - Amazon offered to replace... FOR $65.00! Internet