Integrety Estate Sales
Jackie and Walt Sankowski TOOK THE MONEY AND RAN

Shops, Products, Services

I meet with Jackie Sankowski and her husband Walt todiscuss how they could help me dispose of a lot of personal property from myparents house. We agreed that they wouldsort through all items in the house (except those in a given room) and disposeof items that could not be sold and hold an estate sale for remaining items.&nbspThey also agreed to supply a detailedaccounting of each item sold, pay for all expenses which would be paid from theproceeds, and would be paid a 30% commission for their efforts.&nbspThe contract also specified all proceedswould be paid seven to fourteen days of the sale.

Isigned a contract with Integrity Estate Sales on XXXXX.initially, a tentative date was set forholding the sale in July. However, thedate kept slipping unti the sale was held on Sept xxxxxx. I was told the sale was very successful and Iwould be happy with the proceeds. When Iasked how much, I was told they hadnt figured that out yet. I was also informed of some of the items thatwere sold, some of which were in the do not sell room.

Integritywanted to have another sale since a number of items were still left but bymutual agreement, we canceled the second sale.&nbspI also assumed responsibility for disposing of what was remaining.&nbspAll I wanted Integrity to do was provide mewith the receipts.&nbspI was told they wouldhave them within a week.

AroundOctober 1, I asked where the receipts and I was told they were not readyyet. I requested a dollar figure and if they could fax me thelist of items sold. Was only given the details that the listing ofitems sold was 150 pages too long to fax. I offered to come pick them up but was that offer was refused.

Icontacted Interity a several times times between October 1 and November withthe same results empty promise to send.

OnNovember 21, I contacted Jackie and requested the receipts again. She said they could not talk but would callme back latter. She did call back andassured me the receipts would be mailed Wednesday or Friday or Monday sinceThursday was Thanksgiving Day. Jackieoffered to wait to Monday to avoid the rush at the post office. I again requested the receipts be mailedASAP, which to me meant Tuesday.

Todayis January 13 and I have not received the receipts or the proceeds fromthe sale. Clearly, this is far beyondthe fourteen days for payment specified in the contract.

These people scam artists. They show up with a kid to make them seem legit but.

Avoid them like the plague

Company: Integrety Estate Sales
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Oak Forest
Address: 16134 Grove Ave
Phone: 7082539489
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