Scott Celentano
Guitar amp scammer broken paypal insurance

Shops, Products, Services

I'm not sure if "music store" is correct, because it's just a guy. I purchased this item online, off Ebay, using PayPal, for just about $500. He shipped it with insurance, but packaged it very poorly. It arrived non-functioning. I mentioned it to him, he basically said "tough luck" and stopped responding. I spoke with PayPal, but as long as he sends SOMETHING, they don't back it any further. I took it the USPS, they said that the guitar amp was probably too poorly packaged to qualify for an insurance claim, but I filed one. I took some time, because our friend Scott was apprehensive about answering me. What an honest fella.By the time he did, and I made a claim, it was beyond the time limit to file a valid USPS insurance claim, and repeatedly denied. So, PayPal and USPS will not help, and Mr. Celentano says "tough luck" and stopped responding to calls or emails. Legal action is next, I suppose.

Company: Scott Celentano
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Southbury
Address: 1334 BUCKS HILL RD
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Ebay Paypal supported Buyer Fraud... Took money out of my account! Internet

Ebay steals $184.00 from me

Ebay steals $184.00 from me

United States Postal Service
Failure to deliver or return shipped item. Failure to Pay insurance claim

Made me reimburse an Ebay buyer after he damaged the item he purchased from me

Jonathan Stanley
Stole $315.01 from me
Consumer Report

Caesar Oskan
EBay item 250258316278 paid for and not received Internet

Rigs USPS shipments, Monkey's up Ebay payments, & Snakes bank accounts ripoff, Santa Clara City

EBay NO seller protection. However, buyer SCAMMERS are welcome at PayPal