Retail Business Services
RBS unsolicited low quality overpriced product scam shipped

Shops, Products, Services

Retail Business Services (RBS) cold calls a company. The representative for RBS makes a statement such as "your printing supplies are ready tos ship" or a simular statement leading the victim to believe that the supplies are a sceduled delivery. The supplies are of low quality and extremely over priced. The supplies, (in my case thermal paper and magnetic cleaning swipes for a credit card machine) arrive a week later and the bill about 2 to 3 weeks after. When calling to get a return, you only get a message recording. After leaving numerous messages, I finally received a a call. RBS would not send a call tag for the unsolicited items. I was told that since I did not refuse the boxes, I was responsible for the payment. The poor quality items have a combined value of less than $75.00. My bill was for $298.00. I will not spend a dime of my own money to ship them back, which is what RBS wanted me to do. Further, I was told a call tag would only be issued if a payment was made towards the bill. This company is nothing more than a boiler room scam. They cold call businesses giving missleading statements trying to authorize a shipment. The shipments arrive and a bill arrives weeks later. They are hoping you just pay the bill along with your other bills. This is not a legitamate company. They offer no customer service.

Company: Retail Business Services
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Cleveland
Address: 11470 Euclide Ave, Suite 504
Phone: 2162200517
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