Power Brands LLC
Power Brands Consulting They Charged our company $1,000 for Production of Potoypes and they did nothing and wont refund our money

Shops, Products, Services

We paid them to produce prototypes for our beverages and they did nothing for us. They charged our company $1,000 and did nothing and has refused to refund us our money. They then try to con us into paying an additional $4,500 for more services hat they said we needed. I would trust this company at all.

Company: Power Brands LLC
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
Address: 16501 Sherman Way, Suite 225
Phone: 8007309445
Site: powerbrands.us
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Do not purchase anything from banjo-brands.com it is a scam

XM Brands
Made unauthorized charges to my credit card

Brands On Sale
Charges Restocking Fees for Defective Equipment Returned to Manufacturer ripoff

XM Brands LLC
XM Brands They charged my debit card $129.95 on February 18 without my authorization and refused to issue me a refund

USPS - Click-N-Ship
Brands didn't produce correctly!

Ipoff and false advertisment

BMG music club
Direct Brands False Report Of Participation in music clu

Banjo-brands offers banjos for sale from inventory that does not belong to banjo-brand

XM Brands
Rip-off by XM Brands

Banjo-brands, banjo brands Steals banjo classified ads from other sites and scams buys Fontaine