At the very least I consider this an extremely poor service

Shops, Products, Services

I'd a sears heated water heater named the surviver, assured never to trickle, annually I've needed to get heat components changed. This season was no different. On nov. 12 I'd something call as again no hot water. I needed to delay FOUR TIMES without any heated water simply to obtain the support phone, once the service-man gets below lastly, affirmed I needed another heat element. He changed the component he then pops up and informs me the new hot water heater is dripping and CAn't be set, I've something agreement so he explained I'd need to visit the shop plus they might matter me a replacement. With no heated water I went as much as the shop the following Day and was released an upgraded hot water heater having a reduced guarantee simply because they don't possess the surviver any more, then he charged me 200 TWENTY NINE DOLLARS AND NIENTY EIGHT DOLLARS for installation along with a permit, eventhough I've a complete support agreement! Then he explained it'd be shipped and mounted 24 hours later that was on the saturday. Now waiting over per week WITHOUT ANY WATER WITH NO HEATED WATER BECAUSE WHEN THE WATER IS ABOUT IT LEAKS! Sunday comes NO SHIPPING, NO-CALL! I call the shop they provide me a 800-number to call, I call the 800-number they provide me the plumbers quantity to call, I call them. CLOSED ON SATURDAY! I quit a note in order for them to contact me (WHY DID I've TO HELP MAKE THE CALLS! Exactly the same evening sears HOT-LINE service-center calls me to plan an upgraded heated water heater! I told them the service-man explained I'd to visit the shop to obtain a alternative and so I did, I also informed them I had been billed for installation as well as for a permit, they explained I've a complete support guarantee and just had a need to purchase the permit. I named the shop (AGAIN I'd TO HELP MAKE THE PHONE) They did credit me for that deploy but nonetheless taken care of the permit. On Friday morning the plumber named me and he did emerge later that evening and mounted the brand new water heater. He explained he'd need to return in 2-3 weeks to possess it examined when he got the permit. TO THIS VERY DAY DECEMBER8 NO-CALL! On Monday December 7 sears calls me and informs me my support agreement for my heated water has terminated and it is time for you to restore, I happened to possess my support agreement on my table becasuse i think about this situation not shut, and my support agreement doesn't end until MAY 29! Under contract number1311598830091. The sevice individual stated he'd create a notice of it! In the minimum I look at this extremly BAD SUPPORT, I'd enjoy to understand what SEARS believe, and that I actually want to understand easily get any type of reaction!

Company: Sears
Country: USA
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