Target Corporation
Job Giveaway

Shops, Products, Services

I've worked for Goal for just two 1/2 regards to a year-ago, my mother died. I'd to instantly abandon on her memorial. Although I had been eliminated Goal gave away my work and affordable hotel! After I returned I'd nothing. They simply needed me togo house and that I said no. I'll not abandon this shop before you get me employment and obtain it today! Nevertheless, the task they got me wasn't consistent with my affordable accommodation. They, Goal, declare that it's/was. I understand it's not. I'm standing 70% of times and my limitation is a lot less than that. Goal approved this limitation after I was employed and today lied in my experience. I've switched them in to the EEOC for disability discrimination. I'd not recommend one to work-there. They're only a dictatorship in a democracy or atleast that's how they run.

Company: Target Corporation
Country: USA
State: Virginia
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Target Corporation

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