OAN Services, Inc
Ripped OFF! False promises

Shops, Products, Services

I was set up for a Voice Mail account from some unknown company and it was billed to my phone bill. I was told by an OAN Supervisor that I would receive an adjustment of these amounts on my next bill. Low and behold, I have my next bill and I don't see a credit. I guess my next step is to contact the Attorney General for this State and the Better Business Bureau. Is there anyone who can help me with this.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Company: OAN Services, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Northridge
Phone: 8004419678
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Ripoff, cramming RIPOFF

Enhanced Services Billing Inc Representing Residential Email, LLc And Total Protection Plus, LLC
Billed for services not needed nor wanted!

Nations Voice Plus
800 voice mail fraud. Unauthorized billing to phone bill for service not ordered

Alyon Technologies

Integretel, ESBI
Ripoff charges without authorization!

Dns Services Inc
Deceptive Solicitation

One Call Communications & Tellis
Ripoff & Fraud Beware

Liberty Online Services
Rip-off phony enrollment in services

ILD Teleservices, Inc
ILD Teleservices ripoff Vedra Beach

One Web Direct Bill
Billing for unknown services