JD Byrider

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In June of just a day before my daughter's first birthday party, a very desperate, stupid me was escorted to JD Byrider by a car salesman from Chrysler whom couldnt get me in a car.

I was told that this was the best of the best car companies and he they would treat me good. Seeing as if the car salesman was a personal friend of my boss, I thought I was at no harm.

Well I shouldve known that this was a shady deal because they videotape the contract and make you sign tons of forms that say you can never sue them no matter what! You must take them arbritration court.

I had met the owner and he was honest and upfront with me, he told me that the cars were from auction and they werent the best cars but the service department would always be there for me with my 18 month warranty. (he told me they were some of the best guys in the business) I was hesitant because I was paying over $10,000 for a car that was in perfect condition and low miles was only worth $3,000. But I was ensured that whatever problems may arise from the car would be taken care of asap. Thats what I was sold on; was the fact that they would always work on my car no matter what! I was given an emotional speech on how improvng my credit would help me, and to think that the money I was paying was priceless considered to how this new car would affect my credit score. My credit score has barely moved in 18 months of on time payments.

I needed a car extremely bad and couldnt risk losing my job, I could afford $175 every 2 weeks because I had been renting cars for almost 7 months at this point. And was paying almost triple that. I thought I had nothing to lose.

I drove off with my new used car; not even 12 hours later after getting the car, it cut off on the freeway. They made me pay $50 to get it towed back to them. It was Saturday so the service department was closed. The salesman stuck a dealer tag on another car in the lot and allowed for me drive it until Wednesday of that week.

This was only the start of my problems. I never drove that car 2 weeks without it cutting off, smoking, or not starting. The service department would keep my cars for days, whenever i called to get the status on my car, coincidentally Mike, the service manager always picked up and told me that his best guy was taking it for a test drive as we spoke. No kidding every time I called I was told someone was looking at my car or taking it for a test drive, as we speak. I have fellow family members whom work on cars but I never let them touch it for fear that I would lose my warranty. Whatever Mike and his employees were doing to my car were only minor things to last for a few days to a few weeks. I was told several times by several passer byers on the freeway, gas stations, or wherever my car would break down the issues that my car had. I would call Mike and tell him, he would have my car towed, I would get a rental, he'd keep it for days, I'd get it back in a few days, and maybe 2-5 days later my car would have another problem. Ive been told that tape was used to patch things up. I cant beleive they would put my child and I in such danger!

Supposedly they have put a new engine, replaced the gaskets, fixed leaks, pipes, brakes, tubes etc. And my car is a ticking time bomb. I have never missed a payment in 19 months. Even when I was out of work for 10 weeks! I even pay an additional $50 every month just so i can get rid of it quicker. If you dont make your payment by 5pm, they send the tow guy to your home and work looking for you. Mind you the payment window closes at 8pm.

They stay right on top of your payments but not on top of their so-called guarantee. The worst thing is I shouldve done more research. I was just so desperate!!! Ive read horrible stories all over the internet. One involving death. But guess what? The contract you sign, says they can use deadly force to take the car if you miss just one payment!

Ive paid over $7,600 for the car since Ive had it, they havent fixed my car which is now out of warranty. I havent driven the car since August. Im still making payments on time. I still have active auto insurance on it. My mom uses the car occasionally to run errands or to take my grandmother whom has alzheimers to appointments. Last week I paid them $60 to fix the heat. They didnt! They put tape on the engine and messed up the fuses in the car so nw the trunk wont pop for my grandmother's wheelchair. They need to be stopped! This is not the kind of business we need around praying on those whom are trying to repair their credit and have families to take care of. We need reliable transportation!!!

Company: JD Byrider
Country: USA
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J.D. Byrider, Cnan
J.D. Sold me a lemon, fired my carsalesman and their entire mechanical staff within 4 months of selling me my car

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JD Byrider

J D Byrider - Cnac
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