Rich CafeDirect Will charge you eaven after you stop

Shops, Products, Services

I signed up with Seattle Direct to get some free products with a coffee service in may knowing that I could stop service anytime. The products were going to cost $25 to cover cost which was logical. They then billed me for $79 for the coffee subscription which I promptly canceled and sent back, they never credited the $79. This month (dec 09) they billed me again for $79 this time under the name of When you call no one answers and all you get is voice mail. I'm mad!

Company: Rich CafeDirect
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Evanston
Address: P.O. Box 4004
Phone: 8777978853
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Rich CafeDirect
Seattle coffee direct 79 charge on card on an account I cancelled about 2 years ago

Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Rich CafeDirect, Seattle Coffee Company Canceled their "free" coffee service two years ago, suddenly charged again 79$ out of nowhere

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle direct not the only time this has happened!

Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Made unauthorized charges on my credit card

Rich CafeDirect
Unauthorized Charge Internet

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle Coffee Direct charged my credit card after I canceled the account at least a 15 months ago

Rich CafeDirect got us too. $79.00 was deducted (unauthorized) from our checking acount on 12/3/09. We receive one pkg of coffee and mug and had to pay $6.40 for postage due

Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Seattle's Best unauthorized charge on debit card after cancelling this company over a year and a half ago

Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Seattle's Best Rich Cafe Direct took $129 off my debit card without permission

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle direst unauthorized charge