Rich CafeDirect
Seattle direct not the only time this has happened!

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I was charged $79 dollars in Dec. 09 well after I had canceled my service earlier in the year. This isn't the first time that Seatle Direct Coffee has charged me after I canceled their service. They continued to charge me a monthly fee even after I stopped recieving their product.

Company: Rich CafeDirect
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Evanston
Phone: 8667942030
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Rich CafeDirect
Seattle coffee direct 79 charge on card on an account I cancelled about 2 years ago

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle Coffee Direct charged my credit card after I canceled the account at least a 15 months ago

Rich CafeDirect Will charge you eaven after you stop

Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Rich CafeDirect, Seattle Coffee Company Canceled their "free" coffee service two years ago, suddenly charged again 79$ out of nowhere

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle Coffe Company? Debited by credit card for $79 today (12-03-09)! Haven't used card for a year and a half, which is why it was noticed as fraud

Bellezza Coffee
Seattle Coffee Direct Illicit wrongful charge without consent Evanston Illinois

Cafe Saporito/Seattle Coffee Direct
Seattle Coffee Direct billing and sending items not orderd

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Seatle Coffee Direct, Metrocoffeeroasters, Bellezza Coffee, Global Coffee - Ultimate IGNORE customer cancelations Seatle

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle's best coffee $79.00 fraudulent charge to my checking account

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle direst unauthorized charge