Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Seattle's Best unauthorized charge on debit card after cancelling this company over a year and a half ago

Construction & Repair

Discovered an unauthoized charge on my debit card, did some searching (did'nt take long) and found this company. They have done alot of this. I cancelled this (Seattle' Best Coffee Club) over a year ago and showed up on my account Dec. 4.2009. It was an auto-payment for $79.00. I called them right away and got a generic answering service, and did not leave a very kind message. Will wait a few days to see if this gets credited, if not, will turn into the Sheriff's Dept. And see what help I can get! This business should be shut down and prosecuted!

Company: Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Evanston
Address: PO Box 4004
Phone: 8777978853
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Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Seattle's Best Rich Cafe Direct took $129 off my debit card without permission

Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Made unauthorized charges on my credit card

Seattle Coffee Direct - Rich Coffee DirectSeattle
Each charged me $79 without my authorization, contact or signature. I discovered the charges on my MASTERCARD

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle coffee direct 79 charge on card on an account I cancelled about 2 years ago

Cafe Saporito - Seattle Coffee Direct
Made unauthorized charges to my account

Seattle Coffee Direct / Metro Coffee Direct
Seattle Direct Coffee / Metro Coffee Fraudulent Unauthorized Charges and Poor Business Practices

Seattle Coffee Direct
Made an unauthorized charge to my account for the amount of $79

Rich CafeDirect
Seattle direst unauthorized charge

Seattle Coffee Direct
Ripoff coffe company. I have paid $125.00 for a $5.00 item

Cafe Saporito - Seattle Coffee Direct
Seattle Coffee I was billed on my credit card for (2) different charges of $79.00 and I am having to pay int. On this