Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Rich CafeDirect, Seattle Coffee Company Canceled their "free" coffee service two years ago, suddenly charged again 79$ out of nowhere

Shops, Products, Services

I am yet another victim of this company's surprise holiday thievery of 79$ with no authorization or explanation of any sort, which seemed to occur to several other individuals on Dec 1st 09.
Filled a survey at least two years ago, was offered a "free sample" of their coffee subscription service and promptly canceled it as soon as it became apparently these are con artists who slap you with unrepresented hidden fees and make themselves as difficult as possible to contact. I finally managed to get a real person on the line to tell them I want to cancel all services with their company and a refund in full, although I don't think they ever refunded all of the charges.

I thought it was over then, but apparently they're at it again and it's even worse now since there is absolutely no indication of why they even took the money from you, and I've yet to get a real representative on the phone line.
Any company which allows you to sign up online but offers absolutely no cancellation option besides mailing or calling them (which, you guessed it, only brings you to an answering machine) is most often just a front for some dirty operation.

These thieves need to be shut down immediately, people don't need this right now, especially ones such as myself who are hardly making rent.

Company: Rich Cafe Direct - RichCafeDirect
Country: USA
Address: P.O. Box 4004
Phone: 8777978853
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Rich CafeDirect Will charge you eaven after you stop

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These people are crooks!

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