Tungsten World
Overcharging Scam

Shops, Products, Services

My problem with this company isn't about the product. It's about what they are doing. I bought a tungsten wedding ring from this company located in Orange County, CA and I noticed the sales tax rate they charged me was 9.25% when it should be 8.75%. I wouldn't have noticed this normally, but I happen to have made a online purchase from another company also located in Orange County a few days earlier and thought I saw a different tax rate on that company's invoice. So I did some checking on sales tax rates in CA and found out the tax rate should be 8.75%. I was just curious why there was a difference so I called some other companies in the same city as Tungsten World to ask them what is the tax rate there and they all told me it was 8.75%. So I thought maybe Tungsten World just made a mistake and overcharged me. I called and told the customer service rep I was charged too much for sales tax. He told me they are in a different county then me so each county has a different tax rate and the tax rate they are charging is correct. I said that I bought something from another company nearby them and was only charged 8.75% sales tax. They told me they don't know why other companies charge a different rate but they were charging the correct rate of 9.25%. I then said I checked with other companies in Orange County just to be sure and they all told me they charge 8.75% so why are they the only company charging 9.25%. Again they said they didn't know, but they have always been charging 9.25%. I didn't feel like arguing with them about a. 5% difference so I said ok and hung up. Then I started to think about how a company like this must get hundreds of customers everyday and how this little amount of tax they are overcharging adds up to a lot of money over time and it just pissed me off. I know it isn't alot of money that I lost but it is the principle of it that counts. Times are tough for all of us and this company is trying to take a little extra from all their customers. I didn't go to Iraq to protect their freedom to rip off people a little bit at a time. People should not buy from them until they stop doing this.

Company: Tungsten World
Country: USA
State: California
City: Brea
Address: 471 W Lambert Rd #110
Phone: 8007311123
Site: tungstenworld.com
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