Comast Cable
Comcast's deceptive bait and switch sales

Shops, Products, Services

May 30th a Comcast tech came to hook up my cable for a 12 month digital cable promo that included HBO. I have a receipt and everything. Yesterday I called Comcast, when I realized that my HBO was not working. They claimed that I was suppose to sign a contract that I didn't know was coming in the mail, and since I didn't, they moved me to a six month promo.By the way, they took me off the six month promo one month early. I am currently on the regular contract rate. They are dishonest, and apparently banking on people losing their paperwork. Not me, not today!

Mad a$ Hell
West Palm Beach, Florida

Company: Comast Cable
Country: USA
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Ripoff sales brochures and sales people lie about pricing

Unacceptable service

"Deal" made with former cable company, promised nothing would change

Comcast Digital Phone Service, Comcast Cable Digital Phone Service
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Rip off bought hd tvs that i can't use without renting expensive equipment

Some kind of discount for not being able to use my digital box

Comcast Cable
Comcast is charging me for Service AFTER I have been disconnected

Comcast Cable
Liers, thieves, and cheats alabama

Comast Cable
Comcast Cable ripoff monopoly lazy noncompliant

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