Career Builder Misinformation, representative, ripoff, recruiting, scheme, custome

Shops, Products, Services

Our company got sucked into paying for an experimental focused recruiting effort. We were promised that this expensive campaign ($20,000) would net us lots of qualified job seekers. After two months of seeing absolutely no results I complained. The CareerBuilder rep acknowledged that the campaign was not getting results as promisedand he promised that we would not be charged for the last month of service.
Problem is, he promptly took another job and disappeared from the CareerBuilder scene. Soon a new rep called me, wanting our company to use CareerBuilders resume database.
During our several conversations the new rep mentioned that she had investigated our account and had discovered that we had a credit of 25 job listings that we had not usedand that if we didnt use them soon they would expire. She made it sound as though we had already paid for the extra listings and it would be silly not use them. So, we used themand promptly got a bill for over $5,000 for using the listings.
And... Surprise, surprise... The rep disappeared off the CareerBuilder scene and was no longer employed with CareerBuilder.
Next thing we know, CareerBuilders billing department is calling me wanting to know why we havent paid our bill of $5,000and they simply dismiss my side of the story regarding how their reps misrepresented the situation by characterizing it as he said, she said.
What I learned? I dont trust my opinion, their high-priced recruiting schemes are a waste of money and when their reps feed you misinformation.
CareerBuilder will ignore your side of the story and will stick you for every dollar they feel you owe them.
The adage the customer is always right doesnt seem to apply to CareerBuilder.
I will never do any business with CareerBuilder again and I would warn other companies not to do business with them.

Company: Career Builder
Country: USA
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CareerBuilder ads. New campaign
Bad service
Knowingly post "job ads" from scam companies!

Total waste of money

Through continents
Throughcontinents Scam Bank Scams. Ripoff

James Gordon/Design Development
James Gordon/design Development Fraudulent Job Posting

Through continents
Throughcontinents Money Laundering ripoff Internet
ResumeDirect is scam

Job offer scam, careerbuilder email, telecommunications company - JR LONGO - PAULA SMITH
I told them that i am not interested, yet still contacting me! Biggest ripoff