United Parcel Service & Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg, Museum
In Indiana ripped me off

Shops, Products, Services

This is "one" "tired" "stubborn" "sad" "old" "man

Do you want the reason? If not read no farther, if you do read on. W W (Bill) Fayette creator and founder of creative wood sculptures. A man who carves vintage and classic Automobiles out of wood at his home.

"Tired:. Because I spend from 400 to 600 hours on each Automobile that I create.

"Stubborn". Because I wont let the United Parcel Service of America (UPS and the Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg, Museum (ACDM) in Auburn Indiana get away with damageing my sculptures in transit from the museum to my home in Ferndale Washington in the late summer of 1998. These two corporations are equally to blame, but neither one of them want to pay me for fixing them, Pay me for the damage. Or the best choice. Get someone else to finish fixing them to my satisfaction.

"Sad" Because that people you should be abel to trust like UPS and the ACDM you just can not trust. These are very dishonrable people.

What I'm Looking For
"Justice" As outlined in our "constitution." I want to say here I want the UPS people and the ACDM people to be as responsible to me as I have been to them.

W W (Bill) Fayette

Who do you go to I have tried a lot of places, and all I get are excuses for not getting involved. If you have some advice for me and you don't work for UPS or the ACDM send it to me.

Company: United Parcel Service & Auburn, Cord, Duesenberg, Museum
Country: USA
State: WA, IN
City: Ferndale Washington
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Gregg Buttermore & Robert S Barge (ACDM)
Thank You consumer complaints. Gregg Buttermore Cord Duesenberg Museum lied, United Parcel Service UPS & Jim Stephens a "Confused" Lawyer

James P. Kelley Chairman and CEO United Parcel Servic e (UPS)
Rip-off Insurance claim against (UPS) and the (ACDM)

United Parcel Company of America and the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum
Of Auburn Indiana ripoff consumer fraud ripoff corruption ripoff deception the business that doesn't give a dam tricked and lied to us UPS Atlanta GA ACDM Auburn IN

James F. Stephens
Poor excuse for a lawyer, dishonest lying fraud attorney

United Parcel Company of America
Consumer fraud ripoff deceptive company political corruption

Mail Box Etc. Bellingham & Seattle Washington
Mail Box Etc. Ripoff deceptive Company in a scam to get W W Bill Fayette off the backs of UPS ACDM and themselves Bellingham

Better Busines Bureau
The and there less then honest ways, as I, W.W. (Bill) Fayette see it as a rip-off

International Art Museum of America

DFW Elite Toy Museum
Coolest Museum Eve

Nantucket HistoricalAssociation Museum Shop
Nantucket whaling museum store Don't buy anything here - purchased expensive artifact, delivered broken, no help to recover cost, rude and ripped off! Don't buy