James F. Stephens
Poor excuse for a lawyer, dishonest lying fraud attorney

Shops, Products, Services

In 1998 I had a problem with the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum Auburn Indiana and the United Parcel Service company of America. Either one or both of these companies have not keep kept there word to me, so mistakenly I hired a lawyer to represent me, thinking that this would be the way to do it. Get a lawyer preferably an honest lawyer and every thing will be fine I said to myself. How wrong I was. I gave this man James F Stephens $3,500.00 as a retainer fee. I'm in Washington and the so called lawyer is in Indiana. James F. Stephens address and information.
Jim Stephens, J.D., 622 N Riley Street, Kendallville IN. 46755

As far as I know he did nothing for me. He has stalled me with unanswered questions. He has neglected to send me a fee agreement that he should have done in the very beginning as he promised to. He, by his own lack of action in this matter has refused to send me an itemized statement as to what he used the $3,500.00 for.

Just recently he told me that he was very ill and would no longer be able to represent me.organically I had made a report at the Fort Wayne Indiana BBB and after that I told the BBB that this matter had been resolved, sorry I did that. At the time he told me he was ill, I decided that I would not press him for the return of this money although, I find myself buying again into his story that he would help me get another lawyer of which consisted of him sending me the name of three law firms in South Bend Indiana. I immediately wrote to Foley and Small in South Bend Indiana with a copy going to Jim Stephens. I did not try the other two, because one of them specialized in a field that conflicted with my situation against UPS and the Museum.

I am sure Jim Stephens got a copy of my letter to the BBB (which is a useless organization) and the lawyer did not have the consideration or courage to talk to me about the letter.

This lawyer is lying protecting him self for not doing the right thing.

1. Lawyer James Stephens lied to the BBB and misrepresented me.

2. I paid the so called lawyer $3,500 and he did nothing to show for it. He spent maybe 1 hour and 15 minutes total on the phone with me and could not have spent more than 1 hour looking at some correspondences I sent to him. OK, so keep $500 of my money and send the balance back to me! Actually, after all this aggravation I want the full amount and maybe more if this keeps going on any longer!

3. Because he got sick is not my fault. Sure I feel sorry for him but that should not be at my expense! So now I have to come up with another 3 or 4,000$ to get another lawyer!

I am looking for Justice under our laws and I will continue to fight for that Justice. I have had enough of that kind of lawyer boloney to last me for the rest of my life.

James F. Stephens is one of those lawyers that gives lawyers a bad name. They take your retainer and will never refund a dam cent no matter what! The man is sick for god sake and cannot do what I asked of him nor could he go to the next level of my defense if I need to. I will have to pay another lawyer just to get up to speed on this whole issue!

Stay Tuned for more of the same. About lawyers, corporations and Insurance Companies plus just a few of the dishonest people that I know that were foolish enough to lie to me and think that I would believe what they are saying. Like Judge Judy says don't piss on my leg and tell me it is raining,

Thank you for reading this.
Thank you for this web site.
W W (Bill) Fayette

Company: James F. Stephens
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Kendallville
Address: 622 N Riley Street
Phone: 2103474695
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