Phone Service The charged me more than the should then refused to give me a Refund

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The vonage service work's fine I had been using it for years last year I paid for a full year in advance then a few months ago small charges started coming on my bill but I should have no bill for over 3 more months I called and they said that was a new government tax and that i had to pay it was noy at 6.10 as i had not paid the tax in some months i told them it was not my fault thay have extra fees now as i signd up for a year in advance and she best tell her manager that they best pay the fee the selves or I will cancel my account they can take the 6.10 out of the 100.00 they will owe me

Plus they will be out a long time customer she said they will get back to me well i got a e-mail stating that If I dont pay the 6.10 my phone will soon be cut of and even if I do cancel my server they will not give me a refund I paid the 6.10 as my phone has to working while I wait for knology my cable provider to port my number over but I guess I will now have to get a lawyer to get my 100.00 back from vonage so just thought you all might like to know its best if you dont use vonage if you do don'tt sign up for the year in advance for sure

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
Phone: 8435522837
Site: www.vonage.com
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Vonage No Refund

Fees and charges

Ripoff people by continung to charge fees, even after following procedures to cancel and now I am getting a collection notice. Ripoff Internet

Vonage Telephone service
No New Customers


Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Vonage customer service - Vonage Service

You will want to kill yourself for using Vonage - Digital Phone


Vonage - - The Broadband Phone Company
Refused to give refund for unused service and charged bank account more money Titusville