Quality Subscrption Inc
Deceived me into paying 2 checks, in the amount of $ 96.00 each to two young men

Shops, Products, Services

On April 15, two young men came to my door, and said they were doing a fund raiser, and how they did it was to offer to wash my windows, in exchange for $ 96.00 each. When I asked why I had to make it payable to Q.S.I. They just said thats the way they had been instructed to do it, and this way they would both be given credit for it. They set an appointment to come (am on the following saturday, but no show.
If this is the way you raise your money, by duping senior citizens into dishing out money, for a service that you never intended to provide, it is FRAUD!
I expect to be refunded every dime, within 5 days, or I will take stronger measures. There is laws that deals with these kinds of actions, and I will not let this go by, without using every mean, to my disposal, in getting my money back, and stop these kind of tactics.

Ps. I have also faxed a copy of the two checks to Quantum Subscriptions Inc.

Company: Quality Subscrption Inc
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Buford
Address: 303 United Family Circulation
Phone: 7708317722
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