Explorer Communications
Consumer Report


A young man (shock of red hair) and young woman working as a team solicited subscriptions to be sent to "wounded warriors." A really scurrilous scam. Same pitch about a contest for a trip to Italy. I ordered 4 subscriptions and they asked for 4 different checks on 2 different accounts, probably to force the cost of multiple stop payment fees, thus discouraging people from stopping payment. After a bit of web research I've canceled the checks, $35 each. Better to face the embarrassment at the bank than allow the scam to succeed.

Company: Explorer Communications
Country: USA
Phone: 6028660700
Site: explorercomm.com
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Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

Explorer Communications
Consumer Report

Majestic Sales LLC
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