Link America Dgi Interstate Express Lane Freight Washita
Otr drive

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I am currently a team driver with my husband for link america and this notice is for drivers that are looking to see how one that is working for them are doing.
In the begining it was ok though they ran us hard the would give loads that had no margin for error on time with back hauls giving just enough time to get there with maybe a 1 hr to spare no time to stop to get a bath or to eat.

Then when we complain that there was'nt enough time so that we could stop to eat our driver manage said that we could eat cold sandwichs. This is fine for lunch, but my problem is that I am a type 2 diabiate and need to have a fairly balance diet with fruit veggies so forth and when I said that it was paramount to my health they cut our miles so bad that now we are look for a place that will work with my medical condition.
This company is also doing bad things to owner op as will, talk to one just last week that is being jerk around by low miles. A company driver said miles where low and a lot of waiting time as will.

I just wish that any person working for link america and its other company would get organizined and do a slow down until they see that what they r doing is wrong and need to change there game plan.

As for pay the comment of the other driver is true we have had so many days layedover on the road that you can afford to take home time and they do not pay any lay over pay as they had said in orentation. As for pay they are now 2 weeks in the rear of our pay there reason for this was that they need to get every on the same pay dates, we where on the same day of pay was every friday now it is 2 weeks later.

They are also on cash pay to T/A for all repairs to truck. Just recently our A/C went out and I drove for 3hrs in 90 degree times inside the cab and my husband was trying and I do say trying to sleep in the bunk with over 100 degree temps.

I stop for fuel @ T/A call breakdown and they tryed to tell me that these repairs where only going to be done @ one of there yards I inform them that it was the law that they need to fix it.

Really wonder why I need to be the bad one when they should of just gave aurthrization for repairs.
Link America is just not a good company to work for.
Personaly I feel there won't be a Link America much longer with them having to playing with drivers pay.
Also on a cash pay for repairs for there truck.

Company: Link America Dgi Interstate Express Lane Freight Washita
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Broken Arrow
Address: 21200 E. 91st Street
Phone: 8007324554
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