Heights Of Gaming
Ed Lee's Ego is bigger than his dump of a store located in a drug store

Shops, Products, Services

Ed Lee is on such a ego trip he can't see he is losing business. At first he was a cool guy and once his business started taking off he became a ass. His so call Rules are bogus. He charges to walk in a game room because he is deseperate for a buck. I have been there a few times and have witness him flipping out on a kid just for saying the kid got a card at another card shop for cheaping and telling the other kids where to go and get good deals. A smart business man would check out the comptetion and use it to his advantage and offer matching prices but no Ed curses the kid and bans him for life from his little dumpy store. On his site he states all these rules especially about cursing but Mr. Lee YOUR THe one with the potty mouth especially around young children. YOur store is not all that wake up MR. LEE and grow up. When you run a business act like a professional not a spoiled brat or should we say tryant who bullies kids to keep his business afloat. You rent a small space but act like your little store is al lthat. That is why we dont go there any more and found a real game/card shop with real cards and real deals and real tourements. You like to talk crap about everyone then deny it your a fool Ed. His favorite rant is my lawyer will sue you. Wake up Lee your in America freedom of speech dont like it get out of america. Your not a business man but a con artist who robs little kids. How many times have you laughed about how you conned little kids who came in to buy pokemon or yugioh cards and jacked up the prices because they did not know better? Your big fat mouth got your foot stuck in it and your so inflamed by your ego you cannot see in front of your face all the customers you are losing each day. Your attitude has made people leave and go by cards at real stores with real deals that dont charge to walk into a hole in a wall you call a game room. The word is out bro on the streets Heights of gaming is going down the tubes people are going to the shops in flushing and woodside where they are real gamers. Keep threatening people Ed cause the only thing your doing is losing customers and before long your hole in the wall inside a pharmacy will be gone and so will you. They will rent to a real business man not a loser who uses little kids to make a buck in his pocket. You may be able to get away with scaring little kids but little man your dealing with adults here and the good word on the streets is Heights of Gaming Sux overpriced used cards not real ones and we are moving on to a real store with real cards and deals see ya Ed LEE LEE

Company: Heights Of Gaming
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Jackson Heights
Address: 78th Street Roosevelt Ave Jackson Heights NY
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