First Franklin Loan Services
Trying to foreclose on me. They made a mistake back in 2007 now i am paying for it

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We got this Morgage and in May they applied my large morgage to the small one so they say, I saw nothing on my bill indicating this. Then after long discussions with many assocaites One told me OH we never recieved that payment. I got records from the bank and faxed them. To this day I am still fighting with them, and now they are threatning to forclose on me. I recently sent the information again by mail.

Also this mortgage balloned, then the goverment stepped in and said to keep the interest rates the same, or I would have lost my home back then. I feel its the American dream to own my home, but I dont feel safe. I dont like being threatened. I had asked them in the passed to help me refinance, they told me they dont do that. A mortgage company. I recently had a heart attack and I do not need this stress. Any help would be apprecated.

Thank You

Company: First Franklin Loan Services
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
Address: P.O. box1838
Phone: 8003466437
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