Avenue - Personal Privacy Manager
Will not own up to their printed policy & refund my money Rip-off

Shops, Products, Services

On 7/6/02 I noticed a charge on my Avenue credit card called "Personal Privacy Manager" for $4.99. I called to have it cancelled and to have my money refunded. They said that their policy is they will pay me back if they can not provided me with either written or tape recorded proof that I applied for this extra coverage.

Every time I have called I have been given a new excuse as to why the have not found proof that I approved it. They can't find the proof because I never signed up for it. I went back in my records and they have been charging me for 2 years for this thing. THe following is a list of dates that I have called them and been lied to.

7/6/02 7/8/02 8/1/02 9/12/02 12/2/02 12/10/02 1/17/03 every time I call they are either having computer problems or I should call back in 2 weeks.

Company: Avenue - Personal Privacy Manager
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: PO Box 659584
Phone: 8005546398
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