Personal Privacy Manager
Ripoff dishonest billing

Business & Finance

Shortly after I applied for a Limited card, I received a letter from Personal Privacy Manager regarding their credit report services. It stated that unless I called to cancel, I would be charged each month. When I called them, the representative was persistent in trying to keep me from cancelling. I repeatedly said that I wasn't interested, and after about 5 minutes of this, she obliged and said she would cancel. She then said that she would send me a package detailing their services and that I was not obligated to sign up. She did not mention anything about charging me, and specifically said that she would cancel the membership.

I received a Limited bill with the Personal Privacy Manager charges soon after. When I called to dispute the charge, the rep said that she would credit the charges back. That clearly wasn't done when I received another bill with more charges, including a late fee. I called again and they would not credit anything but one month's charge. I tried calling them on yet another occasion and explained the entire situation to them. I was told that the only way to have all the charges removed was to write them, citing that I was misled and lied to. They would then investigate.

I am furious about the entire situation. I have not and will not pay any of the charges, and while I'm awaiting their reply I have incurred numerous late charges.

Company: Personal Privacy Manager
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: P.O. Box 979095
Phone: 8774387086
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