Upgrade vs Termination

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After being a loyal customer for 9 years plus I think it is time for a change. I recently changed my plan on 2 lines to the everything plan. I wanted to change my phone to utilize all the great features but it came with a cost. I inquired 3 times to customer service about the instant savings and mail in rebate but I was informed that it is for new customers only or that I can open a new line (why would I do that). This leaves me with retail that is not possible. I aksed what the early terrmination fee would be and I was told $200. I am currently looking for service from another carrier that will provide me with a pda phone and service at a low cost (I CAN TRANSFER MY NUMBER) and a sprint is willing to lose a customer that pays over $2500 a yr. Over instant savings and mail in rebate. Iphone next?

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
Site: sprint.com
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Sprint Wireless
Sprint suckers in new customers with huge discounts but screws current customers!

Over charged for two years - Sprint mobile phone provide

Sprint PCS
One Family plan with 4 lines counted as 4 plans for termination

Best Cell Service Provider - Plans, Services and CS

Tiger Direct
Rebate Ripoff Internet

Sprnt PCS
Mail-in rebate ripoff Nationwide California

Failed to comply with my account requests regarding number change Ripoff

Sent emails to my entire address book when it asked if I wanted to "search" for my friends on their site

Sprint, INC
Sprint-Nextel Sprint will lie to you and does not value it's customers! Does not honor Promises!

Sprint's phone pricing is very high - They are not willing to negotiate or price match Cleveland