Deceptive company

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AT&T telemarketer called me to sell their long distance plan. Unlimited long distance for an attractive $20.00 per month flat fee for in-state and state-to-state calls including local toll calls.

Salesperson explained program to me 3 times during conversation and I repeated my understanding of what the program would be. Everything sounded good so I signed up for the program.

Went to the AT&T website after hanging up with the salesperson and found their program details. Program is only good for long distance calls placed to other AT&T customers.

This was never mentioned during the entire sales conversation even after repeating the explanation of the program. I called the next day to cancel and got transferred around to three different people.

The last person I was transferred to said she was not able to cancel me at the time because my computer record was still "locked out" but she would try again later and cancel me from the program as soon as the computer "released me".

Sounds a little fishy to me but will wait and see what shows up on my bill this next month.

Company: AT&T
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: at&
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