Advance Litigation Services
This company takes your money and produces NO results!

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This company purports to provide a litigation service for employment attorneys by calculating their wage and hour claims through timecard analysis, etc. To create evidentiary documents for trial. What they don't mention is that they are a complete scam!!! They collect payment prior to starting the calculation process and if you ever see the calculation it will be too late to even use them because they never get it done in the promised time... 3 days means 4 weeks to these people and they make so many mistakes that it would be embarrasing to present their work to a court room.

To top it off, the CEO of the company, Joel Bander or The Bander Lawfirm outsources the work to the Phillipines for where he pays the workers slightly above the minimum wage... The minimum wage of the Phillipines is 12% of that in the US. — these people are being paid $2 / hr — no wonder they can't get anything done in time!!! He will charge you $30 / hr for their work!!! Pays them $2 and charges you $30 & and to top it off, Joel Bander is a wage and hour attorney himself... Practice what you preach buddy! And in an economy like this where Americans need jobs, outsourcing to the Phillipines to save a pretty penny?!?!?!

Buyer beware& DO NOT pay for this service til AFTER you recieve and check to make sure your documents are correct. And do NOT contribute to the loss of American jobs by greedy CEOs!

Company: Advance Litigation Services
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 1055 W. 7th St., 19th Fl
Phone: 2132108802
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Advance Litigation Service (ALS) — Terrible Company... Horrible Service! SCAM!
Advance Litigation Service (ALS) this company is a SHAM! They collect your money and don't produce!


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