R Unfair to employees, lousy pay, expensive benefits ripoff


I have been employed with Meijer Inc. For over a year. When I began employment at a low rate it was basically promised that I would be eligible for a promotion to management when my initial ninety day period was completed.

My ninety days came and went. I continually inquired about the promotion with the promise that it was "just right around the corner".in October the rate of minimum wage increased in Michigan. Meijer works on a plan where the hours which you work for the company are tallied and you are paid raises after the completion of 1000 hours.

In October I was at a total of 800 hours with the company. Due to the minimum wage increase all employees who were below the new standard were "bumped" up to the new rate. Thus in turn, Meijer considered this to be a "raise" and the hours which anyone had accrued up to that point were taken down to zero.

Seems very unreasonable that the government states that minimum wage increases due to the cost of living and Meijer discounts this as a raise? I questioned the policy with the hr representative with the answer -"the union signed into a contract to allow this"

Meijer employees other than the greeters and management are all union members. I asked the union representative about the policy which I was told that I could do nothing about nor did I get a choice in the matter.

Personally I think its wrong to force people to join a union (who takes almost and hour of wage from me each week), especially when the union does not assist and seems to care nothing for the employees. It does indeed feel as though the union are there for one thing-the money!

I actually had to request publication of the union's policies and what they can do to assist. Upon requesting the information from them I was informed that they do not send publications unless requested as this is a waste of money for them. Seems strange since they basically litter the breakroom and all bulletin boards with flyers and publications about voting for union etc. I was also informed that if I wanted to remain a Meijer employee I have to be enrolled and pay union dues every week.

I quickly learned that the UAW 951 had imposed a deal with Meijer of which most employees had no idea exists nor did anyone get a choice in the contract which was drawn up.

I still continued my employment with the company as the economy in Michigan has taken a nosedive and there are not many jobs available. I was still holding out hope for the promotion I was promised.

In early November, I was informed that I am not eligible for the promotion as I have not yet completed my college degree. This was a new policy put into place by the new district manager. At this point there were at least 4 people who were waiting on a similar promotion who were also informed that they too would not be promoted as promised.

That motivated me to search harder for new employment. At that point I had been with the company 6 months and I was still making the wage that new hires were making.

I worked several more months until I procured employment with another company who pays triple the wage that Meijer does. I still remained with Meijer part time, working 1 day per week as I was close to my one year anniversary thus being eligible for a weeks vacation.

In May I was finally back to the original 1000 hours worked which provided me with a twenty five cent raise. I was then making 7.20 an hour.

In July minimum wage in Michigan increased again to 7.15 an hour. Wow I now have been a loyal employee for over a year and I make 5 cents over what new hires make.

I am a great examplatory employee, bottom line is I am there on time and I do my job with great ability. It feels like a kick in the teeth quite literally to paid so little and the companies expectations so high, not to mention the other factors such as the UAW's contract also allows that overtime over 8 hours not be paid any longer due to the minimum wage increases.

I wanted to post this to warn others that Meijer is an unfair place to work and they absolutely care nothing for the employees.

Company: Meije
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Walker
Address: 2727 Walker Ave NW
Phone: 6164914207
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I too was jipped out of a raise

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