Legal Services

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On March 13 I gave birth to my first child (boy). At the time I was married to his father and we lived in South Carolina. Shortly after giving birth (hours after) my husband, his father became abusive, jealous, and dishonest. I decided that it was time for me to leave. But he would not make that easy. On March 24th of that year it all came to an end when he beat me and attempted to kidnap our son. I reached the phone to call my mother in Florida, she called the police department in South Carolina. Within hours they came, took a report, and arrested him for Domestic Violence. That was my chance and I took it. I had no money, no job, and did not know what I was going to do. I was escorted to CASA (Citizen's Against Spousel Abuse). Which is where me and my son would live for the next three days. On March 27th asked if I had anywhere safe we could go. I said "Yes" My mothers home, she lives in Tallahassee, Florida. They purchased a Grey Hound ticket and took us to the station. I could only bring three bags so I left 75% of me and my son's life in another state. After riding for over 20 hours, we arrived at the Greyhound bus station in Tallahassee, Florida my mother was there waiting. A week later I would go to Legal Services of North Florida to ask them to take my case. They accepted my case. Then my nightmare begins. A Lawyer & Paralegal team with the names of Mark Taps and Karen Bowden are assigned to my case. Since then I've been given the run-around and lied to constantly. It is now October soon it will be two years since they have taken my case and I still don't have my divorce.

Company: Legal Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tallahassee
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Lans Corp - Legal Aid National Services, INC
Legal Services

Brandy Anderson
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Scott Salomon And The Florida Litigation Center
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Brian D Saunders
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Patrick Halnon
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Tallahassee Police Chief Walter McNeil
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