Wilshire Credit
Makes u want to scream

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We have been paying on time for 3 years & because of my job (commission sales) & the housing crisis in California, we need to modify our loan. Wilshire actually said that they would rather wait for 90 days of receiving no payments before starting the process in working something out & they even went as far as suggesting foreclosure as an option or selling the house on my own! Sell in this economy!!! Are you freaking kidding me!!!

I would rather foreclose than allow them the satisfaction of a short-sell.

So let me see if I get this straight, this over 700 billion bailout wasn't intended for average Joe Citizen who needs a modification, rather it is intended for lenders who set this all up. I'm so pissed I want to scream!!!

Company: Wilshire Credit
Country: USA
Site: wcc.ml.com
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