PC Gamer
Created fake subscription in my name

Shops, Products, Services

I had a subscription for a year and canceled my subscription (which was not under my name). I then see on their website that they are giving away prizes to new registered members (which is free to sign-up). I register on their website in hopes of getting my hands on the prizes supposedly being given away.

Now after a few months have gone by I am now receiving threatening letters in the mail (1-2 letters a week for the last 4 months) saying I owe $19.9X. I never subscribed or ordered anything under my own name from them and may I add was never sent any items or magazines to put me in their supposed "debt to them".

I then tried to contact them to straighten this out and there is only 1 form of contact on their website. The contact option being an e-mail type function on their website to tell them why you don't owe them which does not work. It will not let you send them anything, I have tried on three different computers multiple times on each. I am being charged for a subscription I never placed and I'm left with no means to contact them about it, now after dozens of threats, they now say I am being reported to collections.

Company: PC Gamer
Country: USA
Site: www.gamesradar.com/pc
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