Easy Grant Service - Grant Master
Company needs closed

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I too purchased the so called cd for grants, yet even after i was charged the 2.99 for the cd, here it is a month later and still have not recieved anything, even though after i got my bank statement, i found out the they had charged my account 39.95, after checking with my bank, i found out what it was, and also found out that they were in the process of charging my account another 39.95, that was this past friday 8/29/08, i contacted so called customer service and told them to completly take me out of their system, i did not want anything, and my last question to the coustmer service person was (my account will not be billed the 39.95 that you were trying to get right?) and i was assured that it would not, well bet you people know what happened next right? I contact my bank the very next day to find out if it was deducted and i bet you people know the answer, yea it was deducted, i pretty well figured that, so i am going to do what i can to make sure and get my money back, hope know one else has to go through this, and for the rest of you who have been swindled bu this company, sorry, i wish the best for you all

Company: Easy Grant Service - Grant Master
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2620 S. Maryland Parkway Suite #969
Phone: 4357731795
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Easy Grant Service Grant Master
Credit card charges hidden in the fine print are monthly and agreed to when paying shipping for the $1.00 CD

Grant Resource Center-Grant Search-Grant Master
Totally rip-off companies their names are grant resource center / grant master or bank aka grant search is a total rip-off completely! Beware people!

Consumer Grants USA
Ripoff, scam, dishonest company, taking advantage of consumers seeking grant monies

Advantage America
Is a dishonest company that makes unauthorized charges shocked when I found that $299.95 was deducted from my account! Said approved for a federal grant for $12,500 that does not exist!

Grant Resource Center - Grant Master
Totally ripe off

US NationalGrant Services
USNationalGrantServices ripoff grant national services $8,000 con account application package Nationwide

GRANT MASTER Aka Network Agenda
GRANT MASTER Ripped me off! Charged my account as NETWORK AGENDA. 2 WEEKS AFTER I CANCELLED! Las Vegas Nevada

Grant Professor
Fraudulent charges to bank account RIPOFF

BSM / Grant Search Asst
Rip-off, misleading

Grants Are Easy - Get My Grant
Made unauthorized withdrawls to bank account