Easy Grant Service Grant Master
Credit card charges hidden in the fine print are monthly and agreed to when paying shipping for the $1.00 CD


This company hides it's charges I never recieved the CD I paid for. After which I find that I am signed up for automatic withdrawals from my account in various amounts, 39.95,7.95,9.95,1.00,1.29. On a monthly basis I never recieved the CD so I went to the internet and saw the company on usacomplaints. Coms, and found others in the same boat. The whole reason I was looking into Grants was that I am low on money and have been out of work for some time now, I would never have agreed to have this much money deducted from my bank account especially without my knowledge. I Bought the CD on July 18th and just called the company today August 4th after I found this mess out and cancelled everything however, I have been told by the sales girl I was past the opportunity point to cancel and get a refund but she assured me their would be no more charges from now on. I have recieved confirmation #'s from her and will be turning them over to my attorney this evening to monitor this so we make sure no more charges are taken.

Company: Easy Grant Service Grant Master
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: St. George
Address: 2620 S Maryland Parkway Suite#969
Phone: 8005462919
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Grant One Day
Internet Scam As seen on Good Morning America

EZ Grant Pro, Grant Master, Get My Grant
Online Grant Companies Have Secret Charges

Easy Check 4 Me, US Grant Club, Grants For Me, My Grant Dollars
Unauthorized charges to my credit card using a different name every month, after cancelling with the initial contact - grantsforme.com Grantsforme.com grantsforme.com

Easy Grant Service - Grant Master
Company needs closed

Grant 360
Insider Grant Kit Can order report for $1.95 (S&H) but don't tell you there are monthly fees after that!

Grant Research Guide - My Grant Dollars
Automatically withdrawn $68.13 - withoutmy permission!

Grant Master
Owner of small business, unauthorize withdrawal from bank account. Using the word free, when it wasn't and not being up front about the cost of the package. Once they got the CC number, then suddenly things cost money

Business Max - Vista Print
Hidden charges not authorized were billed to my credit card, ripoff

Grant Writer Pro

Grant Master - Raven Media
Grant Master Stolen Money From My Bank Account