T-mobile MyFavs
T-mobile myFavs rip off ver charging account and charging you for talking to your Favs Austin

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I have a blackberry pearl phone. I received extremely high cell phone bills for 3 months straight, I looked online to see what my talkative issue was and i was being charged for talking to myFavs. With T-mobile myFavs you are allowed to enter 5 numbers you talk to most into your Fav's you are then not charged any minutes while chatting with those numbers listed in your Fav's. Well t-mobile's system has a bug in it and you get charged for talking to those people. I spend 2 hours on the phone fixing the problem with them, where they supposedly went back several months and corrected the overages. Well then it happens again this month, and i call and stay on the phone but this time with a really rude bitch, who continued to tell me billing errors are never t-mobiles fault. Well they were this time and last. So my account was credited back the minutes and overages that i was charged, although they still say i owe then 300 bucks, which i dont see how is possible considering my account had to be credited 700 bucks the previous month. Anyhoo I am not paying them the 300 dollars they want because i dont trust their billing system anymore. And I my contract runs out in a month. Thanks alot t-mobile i was a customer for 10 years, now im outta here. If anyone else has had problems with this, please contact me they are scamming the shit out of everyone with a t-mobile myFavs plan, and they should be stopped, it is wrong.

Company: T-mobile MyFavs
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: tmobile.com
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