Sprint Corporation
Continually hung up on and not listened to, double billed and then billed again

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Where to begin? My frustrations with Sprint began a little over two years ago when I got a corporate line through where I worked. Consistently I was overcharge and had to call in to my rep to have credits placed on my phone to balance it out. I survived, breathed past it and figured I wouldn't have nearly as much problems with a private line phone because I could talk to standard customer service representatives. My contract on my old phone was up and my husband and I were looking into getting a shared cell phone account. I always like to give people a second shot. Big mistake.

At first, everyone was nice and polite. We ordered our plans and phones online and were all set to go. We were told that my other line was canceled and shouldn't be a problem. Then, we get a bill a month later. Two bills actually: one for the joint account and one surprisingly for the phone line that I was told had been successfully terminated.

Initially they refused to recognize that my contract on my old phone was up (and had been up for a year btw) and insisted that the only thing they could do was put our line on as an "emergency line for $4.99 a mos". After trying to prove to them for two days, my husband and I gave up, and said ok. We'd try the emergency line. On the bill for the joint account, we were charged $150 over what should have been for the joint account; we stomached it because we were already tired of banging our heads against the wall.

Next month, our "emergency line" which we hadn't used at all, was $80. Someone had "forgotten" to switch it to an emergency line. It took us two more months until finally someone agreed to end that line.

Thinking that behind us, we moved up to Southeast Alaska. Quickly we discovered we had no coverage in our small town. Roaming and flaky service made it so every call we attempted to make either dropped or couldn't be made at all. We call Sprint and explain everything. The customer service girl just apologizes and says there is nothing she can do. I quickly point out their terms of service clause which releases the customer of the contract when the customer moves outside their coverage area.

After an hour of arguing, she finally says she could move us to "emergency lines" to finish out our two year contract but that is all she can do. I ask to be transferred but "no one is available to talk right now except me, ma'am". I politely end the conversation and hang up the phone.

Meanwhile, we diligently pay our $100 bill every month.

We have called Sprint multiple times only to have the phone hung up on us, customer service reps shout at us and tell us they can't help us. Once, my husband got through to a rep who said, "Well, gee, it looks like you don't have coverage up there" and he promptly told us to fax some proof of our change of address and that we'd be contacted by Sprint before 3 days was out. We faxed and we waited. Day 3 came and went. Finally on day 5, my husband calls Sprint back and asks to speak with the man he'd spoken to before. He's informed that the man is not there to speak but that the rep would be more than happy to help. Then we are given the run around about and transferred several times until our call is dropped.

We've been doggedly calling every couple of days since then and that was 3 or 4 weeks ago. Still no results, nothing.

Meanwhile I get our bill this month. Apparently we have a past due balance. This doesn't make sense to me, we've paid every month on time and I have my credit card/bank account statements to prove it. I send an email to billing and get this response:

On May 23 we received the payment of $121.58. After this payment the balance was reduced to $161.47
On the invoice for the billing period May 20 to June 19 the total charges were $136.49. The total charges on this invoice were $297.96 which includes the past due balance of $161.47. On June 26 we received the payment of $161.47. After this payment the due balance was reduced to $136.49.

On the invoice for the billing period June 20 to July 19 the total due balance is $261.53 which includes the past due balance of $136.49.

I've paid every month since I signed the contract, in full. I have asked when the past due balance initially occurred but no one has answered me.

FURTHERMORE, I received an email today saying that my current bill for August was $4.47 on account %. That is the account I closed when I opened my two new lines in February.

In short, Sprint customer service is a fiasco, their billing department can't count and Sprint as a Corporation doesn't live up to its customer service agreement. I've been a customer both on a business account and on a standard account. There is no good side to Sprint.

Skagway, Alaska

Company: Sprint Corporation
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Overland Park
Phone: 8882114727
Site: sprint.com
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