Lord and Taylor
Disgusting service

Shops, Products, Services

Today I went to the Jewelry section of Lord and Taylor. I asked for help and the two women working in the area told me to please wait, as one of the women working was trying on earrings. "She is also a customer right now, " the one helping her said. You could tell that she was having some difficulty putting on the earrings. A minute later, the employee who was trying on the earrings came to help me look at watches, taking them out of the case, opening them for me to try on, etc. And I was completely disgusted to see that she had blood on her fingers. This is incredibly unsanitary and just plain unpleasant! I could not even look at the watches anymore because I was so disgusted. Please, if you are trying on earrings, wash your hands after! Better yet, do not go shopping while you are supposed to be working!!

Company: Lord and Taylor
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Scarsdale
Site: lordandtaylor.com
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