Tracfone - Trashfone
Tracfone -Trashfone (Report of a TRACFONE FORMER TECH SUPPORT)

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Tracfone sucks! Know why?

The software we had on the system was (is) slow. That includes Net10 since we used the same software. I've heard reports of lost billing address and it's because of the poor facility that the company has provided. The agents are also from the Philippines and some Latin countries, perhaps the reason why, there are communication barriers. We had the headset there that totally sucked because the agents themselves couldn't barely hear the caller. There are lots of times when we arranged tickets for the billing address, and the software computer would encounter an error! Thus, the billing address is not saved in the system. On the other hand, the policies of the company about refunds of airtime is very strict and selfish, that we ourselves found unfair.

Here's the thing too. If the agents offer a replacement phone, that means that the phone offered are RECONDITIONED / REFURBISHED! This will only makes things worse because of some phone software problems, signal problems (since we only depend on the zip code provided). They would replace your brand new phone with a reconditioned phone. And about the doubling of minutes, actually, the minutes will not be doubled if you add on the minutes first.

They offer inconvenient services for customers. You buy minutes, and you'd only encounter problems. You would want to double your minutes, but it won't double it. You want to retain your number and change phones, but the computer software of the company is complicated and slow. You want signal, but you have to remain on the zip code you've had it activated. Wrong minute deduction. And worst of all, you would want refund from the dollars you've lost. But the number one rule of the company... NO ISSUING OF REFUNDS!

Even us agents quited! I quited because of the bad management. We were only working offshore but the policy sucks. And of course, we had to follow some damn policies because of the f*in Quality Assurance officers who are dumb of not understanding the situation.

Poor agents. Poor customers.

See? Don't you think the service sucks?

Who's fault? The Administration.

Tracfone is TRASHFONE!

Ciiciimiami, Florida

Company: Tracfone - Trashfone
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: Miami, FL
Phone: 8008677183
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Doesn't double minutes when

Ripoff when you use the tracfone they deduct more min than you acually use and they have messed up service. They suck.internet

Does not stand behind long term customers

Avoid this Company

NET10 Prepaid Cell Phones

Provides no customer service & minutes bought online get lost

Did not honor its promotion

Did not provide the minutes paid for, and now is technically unable to refund my money!

Customer Service

Tracfone Wireless, Inc
Tracfone Wireless Tracfone Reneges on Product Terms