Voicemail Direct USA
Sneaky sign-ups

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I received an odd email on 6/24/08 thanking me for signing up for an 800# and voicemail account. I'm not sure how my information was submitted to this company, but after reading the previous complaints I have an idea. The sad thing is that it seems like a reasonable service; too bad it relies on such shady tactics to recruit victims. Otherwise, the victims might be referred to as customers.

I called my phone company first, explained the situation, and blocked incoming charges. Then I called Voicemail Direct USA and cancelled my account. A few hours later I received this in an email:

"Please note that your voicemail account with VoiceMail Direct USA has been cancelled as per your request.

Thank you,
Customer Service
VoiceMail Direct USA"

This was a (relatively) quick and easy solution. However, I caught the problem within 24 hours. I'm not sure how easy it would be to reverse after a longer period of time, especially after charges to your phone bill had already posted.

Once again, it seems a shame that the company feels the need to piggy-back their service. There are a lot of honest consumers who look for honest companies to do business with, and fortunately (for us) we share our experiences with one another.


Company: Voicemail Direct USA
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Plantation
Address: 1844 Nob Hill Road, #142
Phone: 8009179469
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