Voicemail Direct USA
Activated an account in my name without my consent and tried to convince me that I had signed up

Internet & Web

I open my email and find that this company (Voicemail Direct USA) has thanked me for opening up an account with them and is activating my account. The email states that if I would like to terminate my account I need to contact them within 72 hours. I call to explain that I didn't authorize any activation of an account in my name and to find out how they received my information. They said that they received my info when I filled out the online form that morning. I explain to the rep that that can't be true. I don't need their service and did not sign up for anything. She insisted then that someone in my home signed up. I have babies, they aren't going to crawl to the computer and type in my name, email address and old phone number. The email had my name, address, and an old phone number. I don't even need their service. I have voicemail, availabe 24 hours a day and can get it sent to my email thru my local provider. I didn't need their service. The woman said that since I cancelled early enough that I won't be charged. She promised I'd get a cancellation email (which I did not receive). I call back and ask about the confirmation cancellation the next morning, and am told that it will come the following morning. I still have not yet received the cancellation email.

Company: Voicemail Direct USA
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Address: 1701 North Green Valley Parkway, Suite # 200
Phone: 8009179469
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Voicemail Direct USA
Sneaky sign-ups

Voicemail Direct USA

Voicemail Direct
Scam and Lies

Natiowide Voicemail
Nationwide Voicemail ripoff after visiting the site getfreemusic.com i received an email from nationwide voicemail indicating i had signed up for their service. Their cancellation web site doesn't exist Boston

Myiproducts Imail Voicemail
Received the following email 10/16/09. I called 800-286-4455 to report that I had not ordered this service. I received the typical argument that I had completed a form which is how they got my info

My Voicemail Rewards
This company added voicemail to my phone with my consent and charged my account $12.95. The operator gave me an email address that doesn't exist. San Diego

This company is planning to bill me $14.95 to my phone bill for something that I did not authorize and a service that I don't even know nothing about

Company is billing me and I cannot call, write or email them. No way to contact them!

Voicemail Direct USA

Value Plus
Unauthorized billings!