Voicemail Direct USA
Added unauthorized charges to my BellSouth Phone Bill Ripoff Nationwide

Shops, Products, Services

I recieved my Nov. 2006 phone bill from Bell South and noticed a setup fee of $ 14.95 plus tax for a total of $16.00 for voicemail services to be collected for Voicemail Direct USA.

I have had Voice mail provided by BellSouth for a long time, and in the past month that service has been corrupted to the point that I am unable to use. I had already notified BellSouth that something was wrong with my service. I am fairly certain that the Voice Mail Direct USA unauthorized set caused the problem.

I have never in any way shap form or fashion ordered this service. Have no need for a service that I already had and was satisfied with until this month.

Company: Voicemail Direct USA
Country: USA
Address: Plantation Florida
Phone: 8004334518
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Ripoff charged for a service that I never requested for but a service that never existed

Ripoff and BellSouth allows this to continue despite reports, kickbacks maybe?