South Beach Trimmings, Michael Odzer
Arrogrant, Loud, and Pushy — I should have known better! South Beach Trimmings is a WEASEL!

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Well, I can only say how happy I was that my handmade, one of a kind buttons that were selling well enough now caught the eye of a man named Michael Odzer from South Beach Trimmings in Boulder Colorado! The reason why his company is called that is because he screwed over a bunch of people in Miami and I guess took the name with him when he fled to Arizona and then Colorado.

Each button I make takes so much time and effort. He ordered hundreds of them and paid for them in the beginning. Then he GOT ME! Hook, Line and Sinker — He placed a really large order all at once that took me weeks to complete. He had me working 24/7 and actually had the audacity to call me his "own personal little sweatshop" - I knew then as soon as this order was complete that I would be through with him. No money in the world is worth working for such an arrogant man who says such things. Well, 3,000$ later., he never paid me. The address he uses — WOW - silly me, wouldn't you know it a MAILBOX EXPRESS ADDRESS.

So, I ran a backround check using Intelius. And you would not believe how many judgements he has against him. I even spoke with the local Sheriffs dept. (off the record) about him and they had some choice words as well. Here is what makes this worse., my dear friend, who makes another type of handmade button was taken by him as well. All because I referred her to him. (she forgives me!)

As per his backround check he has many addresses (serious amounts of addresses — like 30 in 10 years) and some of the follow ups I did, just because I was curious shows that he was evicted from most.

All he did was talk about how much money he had, how the women loved him and his cars, ipods, and various toys cost him — this I know because he used to call me 20 times a day. (he probably has no friends) And then I find out he has been evicted from his homes and doesn't pay his vendors.

A few of his customers actually contacted me and asked me about him because they searched my product over the internet and found me that way. They had met him in person, which I never did (we are on different coasts) and had a ball telling me all the nasty things about him., especially in reference to his not so fresh breath and his really, really unkempt presence.

So, if a man by the name of Michael Odzer, AKA Michael Mark or Marc Odzer wants to do business with you from South Beach Trimmings or he also uses the name the Yarn Peddler (so he told me) DONT!

Hi website has never been updated since I have known him (Fall 2006) so that "coming soon bull - is just that!"

Would love to hear from more people in regards to their dealings with this weasel. I cant serve him because he uses a Mailbox Service (How pathetic)

Company: South Beach Trimmings, Michael Odzer
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Boulder
Address: 1750 30th Street ST 77C
Phone: 3037105734
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