Target Return Policy
I will never shop there again!

Shops, Products, Services

I recently purchased a prepaid phone for my 9 year old son for 59.99. When I went to verizon to add it on, they had better phones at a better deal, so I went to take the other phone back. I didn't have a receipt. I lost it, and because it was a cash transaction, they will not give any kind of refund, not even store credit. I could, for the most part, understand that on some items because of theft, but this item had to be unlocked by one their employees, so it was obviously not stolen. The employee and manager gave me a 1-800 number to call for help and said maybe they can help you. They won't. It is a total waste of time and a way for Target to not deal with their customers. I even spoke with a supervisor there that was like, "I understand your concerns, and we at Target take them seriously. We want our customers to be happy, etc..., but that is our policy. When asked for her supervisor, she refused to give that person to me and gave me Mr. Urlich's address and told me to contact him.

I hope that Target, which also owns Starbucks, is happy with the 59.99 they received from me, because I will never shop there again, and I am sure they don't care, because I told that to Miss Corporate America, and she didn't, but I am a stubborn person, and I mean it. There is a K Mart across the street, a Meijers by my job, and a Walmart down the road. Sometimes receipts are lost. We are in the process of moving into a new home, it happens.

Company: Target Return Policy
Country: USA
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Unreasonable Return Policy
No Customer Service

Gift registry return nightmare

Fraudulent return prices

Ripoff Return Policy is Rediculous

Would not refund my money for merchandise bought

Terrible Return Policy

Return, Exchange, and Pricing Policy are inconsistent, unreasonable and arbitrary-i.E. No receipt -get item in same dept. Ripoff

Bad customer service - All Target products, etc

Stores. Executive Officers have made a new rule to screw the consume