Mp3-freebie this company is smart as it is deceitful! They take your money and leave you with nothing. They are unreachable and unreliable.internet

Shops, Products, Services

I signed up with them during the first week of the month and they were supposed to email me instructions. I never received it. I went back to their site to contact them and it was impossible; they were like ghosts. I never experienced this from an internet company before. I had to wait 2-3 weeks until I retrieved their phone number off my credit card statement. This is one way for them to stop a person from using their 7-day cancellation period.

At this point, I hadn't seen all of the warnings about this company so I was still planning to use their service. I called them and said I couldn't log on and a box was pre-checked for a service that I never requested so they did credit my account for $14.99 at that time.

I was going to start their service the following day and by some type of miracle, I found the numerous derogatory complaints and reports. After reading them I decided to terminate my membership.

I still had their phone number and I called them today and told them to cancel my membership because of all the warnings I found on the internet. The man said I had 7 days, etc... I told him I had to wait to get their phone number. This arrogant man said I wouldn't be getting a refund and he sounded sure of himself. I told him I would deal with my credit card company and hung up.

I tried to call back to speak with someone else and I was placed on hold for 15 minutes and finally realized they were not going to take my call. I talked to my credit people and they didn't sound as though they could do much. I read my "Billing Rights" on the back of my statement and it stated that when you have a dispute on a purchase or service, it has to be $50.00 or more for you to receive their help. If you look at mp3-freebie's services, none of them are over $50.00.

When I received an email with the instructions, their return address was
"Customer service" This address is unreachable. It's obvious that they go to great lengths not be found.

Company: Mp3-freebie
Country: USA
Phone: 8884486880
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Belisi Ties
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Internet Fraud. This company takes your money for a service they DO NOT provide Ripoff

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