Merry Maids
Not Merry and Horrible at Cleaning Double Charged!

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I am glad I finally found by accident... Here's my experience with Merry Maids of Long Beach.

I moved back to Long Beach, my home town, in June... Renting a house that was occupied by two college girls for 18 months previous. It needed to have a thourough cleaning before we could move in, my landlord agreed to pay up to $150 for the maid service. I called around to the big maid service companies in Long Beach, describing exactly what needed to be done... Top to bottom inside and out. Specifically this is a one time cleaning of an empty house, make the bathroom sparkle, clean the hardwood floors, kitchen, windows in and out, and all of the mini blinds. The person on the other end of the line was the nicest and seemed most receptive to my delema. A price was quoted of $110 and I said, "Great, are you sure that is enough? I want this house to be super clean." She replied, "oh, yes sir, we will do a great job." A date and time was arranged and this move just got a lot easier... I am going to have a clean house to move in to.

(SIDE NOTE) The houses condition was not that bad, there was a normal amount of dirt and the windows were not cleaned while the previous tenants lived here. It was not a crack house by any means... It just wasn't move-in clean. Oh, the bathroom was kind of gross. But all in all this was a normal cleaning job, HAZMAT was not required.

The big day; my house gets cleaned! Yeah!

The maids were set to arrive at 1pm I am there at 12:30pm with bells on... 1:30pm no one arrives so I give the Merry Maids office a call, "Oh, yes Mr. X they should be there in five to ten minutes, they just left their last job." OK, I can understand that, hey who dosen't run a little late? No, biggie... 2pm arrives, no maids arrive, I call the office again, This time I am told that they will be here in five minutes. I ask, "Are you sure? My address is 123 fake st. It has been an hour, should we reschuedle for another day?" The office worker says they will be on their way I give her the benefit of the doubt and continue to wait. I continue calling every fifteen minutes to inquire about the status of my Merry Maids. Then the office worker finally tells me they had the wrong directions and they are around the corner... They arrive at 2:40 one hour and forty minutes late.

I greet my Merry Maids and ask them to do a great job... The first thing one of the maids does is take off her shoes and starts complaining about how her feet are "hurtin" and "achin". Then they both start in on how hard they work and they are so tired. So I offer to reschedule the cleaning, when they decline, mention that they just got a hour and forty minute break while driving over here. A moan and groan later... They start working.

I get out of their way and let the professionals take over.

About an hour in to the cleaning I poke my head in and remind them to do the outside and inside of the windows. Oh, they don't have any rags for that... And then the barefoot wonder asks me like I am crazy, "All of the windows? The outside?" then she starts moaning her aching feet and oh she works so hard she has cleaned nine houses this week and so on... One big blast of bullshit!

So I say just do the best you can with what you got.

They clean... At least that it what I was expecting... And get ready to leave. Oh i for got to mention I gave a fully working fridge to the maids as a tip... And they ask for more, I mention the fridge and they just grumble... After I move in two days I realize what a horrible job they did. Walking around the house on the hardwood floors turns the bottom of my socks black... The miniblinds look hoorible and streaky with dirty hand prints on them, and the windows are not clean. So I start cleaning myself and F-K this place is gross!!! They basicly swept and poured some bleach in the bathroom!

I thought about calling and complaining but how can I prove that they did a bad job... My word against their employees, plus what were they going to do clean my house, they already proved they do not know how to do that!!! So, I decided to leave it alone my landlord reimbursed me, and life is to short to dwell.

Then I get my credit card statment, and they DOUBLE charged my for their crappy service AHHHHHHH! I call ASAP and explain what happened, they have no record, i fax them a copy of my statement with the double charge, they study it for about an hour and calll me with the message that the person who can reverse the charge will be in tomorrow. I get a call a week later that the double charge will be taken off tomorrow. One week later the charge is finally off my credit card account.

All the while I can't stop thinking about what a shitty job they did! And they never picked up the fridge I gave one of the maids. Merry Maids is F-D! This is the first and last time I hire a maid service expecting them to DO THEIR JOB. My landlord paid $110 for jack shit.

There, I feel better now. Stay away from Merry Maids if you want some one to show up on time and clean your house, because they don't do either!!!

Long Beach, California

Company: Merry Maids
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Beach
Address: Located on PaloVerde Ave
Phone: 5624932671
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