Precious Lives Sanctuary
False Treatment Claims ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

May 3

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to share my story with anyone who has animals and will listen. On April 28 one of our dogs got out of our fenced in back yard after someone apparently knocked over part of it in an attempt to cut through our yard (we have had this problem before).

We spent all evening looking for her as well as the next day - checking with neighbors etc. On Monday May 30 we called the Summit County Animal Shelter as well as the Humane Society in search of our dog. We made up posters and hung them around the neighborhood as well as faxed them in to the above mentioned facilities. On Tuesday May 2 after still no luck I placed an ad in the Akron Beacon Journal.

On Wednesday May 3 @ approx 9:30A.M. I got a call from a lady that told me that she picked up my dog on Saturday at the corner of Eastland & Olalla (approx 5 - 6 houses down the road) and took her to the Precious Lives Sanctuary @ 1474 Brittain Rd. Akron, OH 44310 330-633-3393. She stated that she was not sure if they would give me back the dog or not, but that she was friends with the owner & would call & talk to them. She also stated that my dog was "starving to death" (I had witnessed her eating less than 15 min before she got loose).

I immediately called the animal shelter - they told me that they did have her, that she was very ill & being treated for Parvo Virus. They said that she was vomitting profusely with bouts of diarrhea. I rushed to the shelter to confirm that it was my dog but they said that they could not let me see her as she was so contagious. The place was filthy - the amonia smell from the urine burned my eyes & nose. There were dirty litter boxes in the waiting area.

I showed them a picture then the receptionest went back & took a picture of my dog with her camera phone. I could hear my dog that was supposed to be "isolated" barking along with other dogs. It was my dog. She told me that she was doing well, on IV fluids & as long as she could hold food down that she should be able to come home tomorrow. They said that she hadn't ate in over 48 hours - that she wouldn't. A"tech" was supposed to call me @ 11;30 or noon to give me more info & let me know how much my bill was.

Noon came & went 1:30 I called back - still no info - the "tech"was in surgery - & she was the only one who could give prices. She would call me A.S.A.P. At 3:30P.M. After still no word, my husband went in to check on her - once again the "tech" was still in surgery & he could not see her. Six O'clock p. M I called again - same story as above.

Finally @ 8:00P.M. My husband called & demanded information. He spoke with the receptionist - who transferred him to Brandy - who is possibly the owner. He asked why no one has called back all day, she had no excuse. She stated that our dog had Parvo & would die without treatment. She would not give us an answer as to how long that she would have to stay only "anywhere up to 8-10 days". Still she refused to let us see her. When asked about the bill she stated that payment was due in full before the animal could be picked up.

We asked again for a total she said that it could be from $300.00 to $800.00 or even more. We asked if we could pay half then make payments - she said no. He told her that we didnt have that much money to pay & she said "If your child was sick would you just let them die? Your dog will die within 2 days without treatment." Meanwhile I called our regular vet to see if I could bring her there right then - they said sure. We went to pick her up & they would not even bring her out until we paid.

After we paid the $469.00 (they stressed the fact that they gave us a discount of $261.00) they brought her up - IV port still in. They stressed the fact of how contagious she was, & how we needed to spray our clothes with a 30% bleach solution immediately upon getting home. Our babies were in danger of contracting this. The vets name on the bill was Dr. Bradley Neer DVM - we never saw or spoke to him. We rushed her to our normal vet (Stow Kent Animal Hospital) where she was re tested for parvo to be found NEGATIVE! They said that she did have a fever & her IV site was swollen due to the fact that the area wasn't properly prepped. They gave her food which she ate fine along with some antibiotics $130.48.

She is home & doing well. They also states tha Parvo wasn't contagious to humans. The "Home Again Micro Chip" that was "state law" that they supposedly placed & charged us for was also a hoax - no such law exists per our regular vet. This animal "rescue sanctuary" seems to be nothing more than a hoax. For a "non profit" organization this must be how they make their money - scamming people & torturing poor defenseless animals. They were not able to answer any of our questions - our dog suffered through un necessary treatment - how is this "protecting precious lives" as their logo states?

Money & donations could be better spent @ the Humane Society or other organizations that actually care. I have & will provide a letter of documentation from our regular vet stating that all of the treatment that Scrappy recieved in her care was not necessary as well as the bill that they gave us.

Any help in bringing attention to having this facility investigated & or addressing our concerns would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Company: Precious Lives Sanctuary
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Akron
Address: 1474 Brittain Rd
Phone: 3306333393
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