Kingsway Financial Trust
My live is a nightmare b/c of this company, i face felon charge b/c of this company Cananda

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I got a letter in the mail from Kingsway Financial Trust. I got on report off report on the first of March and find nothing still March 31, after it was to late. I got the cashier for 975.00 in the mail, i thought it was like a comcheck pre paid check so i went thought everything and put the money in my check account on March 12, and the bank called me on Monday the 19 and said the check clear so i took the money out and send it to this people.

I called them back Thursday March 22 and they said they were late send off the check, well Friday March 31 i call my bank to get my chek information and it would not go throught so i call the bank April 1 and the bank would not talk to me on the phone, they said i need to come in, so i did. I thought i need to pay a charge.

The bank never called me or mail me to tell me my account had a promble so when i went to the bank Sat. April 1 the bank call the police and arressted me in front of my 4 kids and said the bank was charge on me for theift criminal possession forged instrument 2 nd twice so now i am face felon charge and had to stay a night in the jail. Still my family could get my bond that was set at 2,500.00 and now i have a court date on April 24 and today Monday 2 i have to spend time at at laywer and spend my day away from my kids to take care of this mess and have to spend my money.

I did not reliaze it was a scam and now i am scared and upset because i never been in jail or ever been in trouble still i got this stuip letter, so please do be carefull.

Company: Kingsway Financial Trust
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Niagra Fall On
Address: 2000 Country Dr Niagra Fall On L8H4J6
Phone: 19055983460
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