Did not send a package I paid for envelopsathome internet

Shops, Products, Services

I sent for the work at home envelopestuffers job and never received any thing about it but they charged my creditcard for 37.94 right away please help me get this theif

Company: Envelopesathome-alaris
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Berthoud
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Changed name from Alaris to Xeppa

Alaris Aka Envelopes At Home
Alaris Alaris Alaris, took my money and I got nothing! I Do Not Know

Paid for work and never received

I have been sucked in by their processing fee and will soon be another victim of their ripoff too

EnvelopesatHome - Alaris
Work-at-home ripoff

Super scam do not trust usa us

Enveleopesathome.com Asked for $37 for first packg. Which info was already on website also when done what asked for first packg. To recieve #2 packg. I never received approval for my ad or the brochures promised

Envelopes At Home
$37.94 Dollar Scam

Envelopesathome.com Or XEPPA
Promised money for me stuffing envelopes. It didnt take me long to figure out this was a scam and that I was an idiot

Money stealing Liars